Monthly Archives: April 2013

Poached Eggs/Onsen Tamago recipe


Recently, me, Ed and daughter had a nice opportunity to visit Chock Full of Beans at Changi Village, and I got reminded of sinful brunches of Eggs Benedict, like at Riders Cafe (where one of our first few dates commenced =)). As usual, I wondered if I could make it on my own one day. I’ve searched for poached egg recipes, where I didn’t like the idea of swirling my eggs in vinegared, slow boiling water, and I finally found The Easiest Poached Egg Recipe. Then before that, I was very interested in learning how to perfect the art of cooking onsen tamago, and found this video, which I have yet to try, but looks really interesting, as the person who made the video obviously put in alot of effort and thought into making this video! Thank you!

What I’ve learnt about the main difference between poached eggs and onsen tamago is:

1. poached eggs have firmer white, onsen tamago is more like a soft-boiled egg, but slightly firmer than that.

2. poached eggs are most commonly used on toast and smoked salmon, but I had the vegetarian option of having it on Portobello mushroom and toast instead at Chock Full of Beans. Really good!

3. onsen tamago is accompanied with soba dipping sauce, which is similar to the Singaporean/Malaysian style of having soft-boiled eggs with light/dark soy sauce.

I miss brunch food!